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Very interesting game idea and great color scheme. Gameplay was too stale for me, my main strategy was to place one turret on both sides and running between them to repair them. Placing more than two turrets is costly and its difficult to repair more than one. I liked how you can repair turrets by double jumping  making turret placement more important and strategic. Something like turrets being able to repair each other if in range or making so it is quicker to go from A to B without enemies blocking your path would be great.

Thanks for the feedback :D I am already working on an udpate, I didn't really have time for proper balancing during the game jam.

Very nice game, great movement. More levels could be cool.

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing! Yeah, I'll try to add more content soon...

Love the new levels, but I dislike the element of rng from enemy drops. Maybe your shotgun could do more dmg to enemies in turret field and that would result to guranteed money drops, or something else.